
Tutorial & tips for capturing and editing Spatial Video & Photos with the XREAL Beam Pro

Are you a lucky owner of the great Beam Pro from XREAL? Dr. George Themelis made a PDF with useful tips. This complete tutorial does not only cover the device itself, but also the post-production process and editing the photos and videos on a computer, some detailed explanations are also useful for non-users of the […]


Com fer bones fotos i videos 3D amb la cámara 3D de l’iPhone. EXTRA: Utilitza l’iPhone com a webcam 3D per al teu ordinador

If your iPhone has two horizontally aligned lenses (in landscape orientation) on the back, you can record 3D video and take 3D photos.


Com fer fotos espacials & Vídeos espacials HDR millorats amb Spatialify (i exportar des de/a 3D) al vostre iPhone

Now you’ll learn to record even better Spatial Videos in HDR at 60fps or 4K, and also how to take Spatial Photos (not available in the iPhone’s Camera). Moreover, in this tutorial you will learn how to export to other 3D formats, and from 3D to Spatial.


Com gravar Vídeo Espacial amb iPhone 15 Pro / Max

Si tenes un iPhone 15 Pro o Pro Max, hauries de començar a gravar els teus vídeos en Vídeo Espacial a partir d’ara, encara que mai vagis a tenir un visor Vision Pro (mira el nostre anterior article): No té inconvenients, i hi afegeix una altra dimensió per als milions de dispositius 3D que sortiran […]


The charm of manual 3D photography (without 3D camera). Tutorial

Many people enjoy the immediacy of a 3D photograph taken with a 3D camera. However, these cameras are quite limiting in the types of photographs you can get Table of Contents: Did you know that 3D photographs can be taken with any camera or cell phone? And they’re more satisfying than photos taken with a […]


Com Pujar 3D a YouTube. Com veure 3D a YouTube (i canals amb bons videos 3D)

AVÍS: Actualment, hi ha una falla a YouTube que no permet pujar correctament videos en 3D. Més informació a aquesta publicació en anglés: https://twitter.com/NimaZeighami/status/1740241922495791214?t=zhk4eGyGdYDzf7oSAyGLSg&s=19 ACTUALITZACIÓ 4: Com pujar en frame-packing per obtenir la màxima qualitat possible (but only viewable on 3DTVs): You should save the videos as Parallel MP4 files. Then download and install FFMPEG. […]


All the events in the Stereoscopy day: Content, Tips, Interviews, Goodies, Tutorials, and more

To end, there are some in-person events around the world:


Com aliniar fotografies 3D amb Stereo Photo Maker a una pantalla 3D


Aprofita al màxim la teva Fujifilm Finepix W3 i els seus videos i fotos 3D

Gràcies al canal de YouTube ANAVision (en anglès) ¡pots dominar la teva Fuji W3 com tot un professional! 00:14 Overview 01:42 Shooting Photos and Videos 04:58 (I think I’m in Trouble) 05:22 Viewing Photos and Videos 12:17 MyFinepix Studio 16:19 – Viewing Photos 19:00 – Viewing Videos 21:08 – 3D Movie Trimming 23:08:- 3D Movie […]


[UPDATED]Quarantined? Tons of 3D content to enjoy (bonus: build a 3D viewer)

If you don’t have a 3D screen… Not everyone can purchase a 3D screen. And now is even more difficult and expensive (unless you buy 3D mobiles like the Elephone P11 or the Red Hydrogen One -very cheap refurbished-). But you can convert your current smartphone on a personal 3D screen. You can either buy […]
