Tag Holographic 3D
New Spatial/Immersive cameras and new contents. New features and new possibilities in VisionOS 2
UPDATE: VisionOS is now compatible with WebXR and it’s enabled by default. Apple introduced new features on the WWDC24 for Vision Pro, among some impressive privacy-friendly AI features Vision Pro has been on the market for less than a half…
Looking Glass llança dos models OLED de 16″ i 32″ de les seves pantalles hologràfiques
Més elegants i adaptables, aquestes pantalles XR de nova generació ofereixen la millor experiència 3D del món pels professionals que confien en visualització immersiva Looking Glass, l’empresa d’hologrames, ha ampliat la seva gamma de productes amb noves pantalles espacials de…
3D at CES 12024
Every year, an increasing number of 3D devices are introduced at CES, and a most of them are available for purchase in the following months, instead of being just prototypes. Apple The Apple Vision Pro wasn’t presented at CES, but…
Apple Vision Pro. Is it a game changer for 3D?
Apple Vision Pro is the entirely new device Apple is bringing next year. This device is both something already seen on other devices, but also something entirely new. Basically, Apple Vision Pro is an AR (Augmented Reality) device, but made…
Sony presenta un model d’Spatial Reality més gran de 27″
La primera pantalla de la gama Spatial Reality de Sony oferia una mida de pantalla de 15,6 polzades (uns 40 cm). Però, al modelar grans models 3D es tallaben els costats del diorama hologràfic. Així que Sony ha anunciat un…