Disney+ per fi té pel·lícules en 3D, però només a Vision Pro
RECORDATORI: Apple té moltes més pel·lícules 3D (4x vegades més) que Disney+
RECORDATORI: Apple té moltes més pel·lícules 3D (4x vegades més) que Disney+
Apple has just released iOS 17.2 with the ability to record Spatial Video on the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max. Currently, there is no notice about taking Spatial Photos. Several iPhone models have already been able to record 3D…
Apple Vision Pro is the entirely new device Apple is bringing next year. This device is both something already seen on other devices, but also something entirely new. Basically, Apple Vision Pro is an AR (Augmented Reality) device, but made…
UPDATE 2: Now with our iPhone Spatial Display, the iPhone is now unbeatable, without the need for an external 3D display or Apple Vision Pro. UPDATE: now more updates, this time to the AR capabilities with ARKit 6, improving the…
Ja gaudeixes de les funcions integrades de la teva nova tauleta. Pots veure les pel·lícules en 3D en streaming, veure les teves fotos personals en 3D, gaudir del creixent contingut 3D de YouTube, navegar per comunitats estereoscòpiques a xarxes socials,…
NOTICE: This review is from an early prototype. Since then software features have been updated and modified, and new features added (like using the tablet as 3D PC monitor). Information about software capabilities might not be accurate. The ProMa is…