Project Tag 4DX


Migració 3D: El 3D d’aquesta pel·lícula és excelent. La profunditat és present als primers plans i en els fons. Els primers plans són meitat fora i meitat endins, però tenen molt volum. Hi ha molts moments amb pop outs i…


Fighter Aquesta pel·lícula es pot veure a Filmax Gran Vía Barcelona (Hospitalet) en VO amb subtitles en anglés, aquests subtitles estan cuidadosament disposats per no causar conflictes amb la imatge estereoscòpica. 3D: Desde els primers moments s’aprecien molts primers plans…

Aquaman 2

Aquaman 2: The Lost Kingdom 3D: A good 3D focused on overall depth, instead of occasional gimmicks. There are plenty of elements that appear half inside and half outside the screen (not abusing from that, is quite natural), so the…

The Marvels

3D: Excellent depth in all scenes. Beautiful pictures of space. When something in space looks like it doesn’t have much depth, it’s because something closer is going to enter the scene. There’s a comic scene where the 3D is weaker,…

Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem

Ninja Turtles Mutant Chaos: Review of the 3D and 4DX aspects 3D: This movie is different from other movies in many aspects. At the beginning, with the credits and first scene, it seems it would be a movie with weak…

Meg 2: The Trench

3D: The initial scene was so impressive in 3D that the audience applauded with excitement. That was something we have never seen before at the beginning of a movie. The 3D quality of that scene is far superior to anything…