

Visionary and 3D enthusiastic

‘Euskadi’ filma René Le Hennaff-ek zuzendu zuen 1936an, zinematografoaren asmatzaile Louis Lumièrek garaian garatu zuen 3D teknika baten bidez. Loraldiak dokumento etnografiko hau publiko aurrean erakustea lortu du. ‘Euskadi’ fue dirigida en 1936 por René Le Hennaff, siguiendo la técnica…

How a Glasses Free 3D Monitor could help your business?

3D monitors can be used by 3D professionals as well as by enthusiasts to play SBS 3D content or 3D movies. For professionals it is a good tool to visualize the 3D effect in real time during the 3D animation…

SD&A 2021 3D Theater Session

UPDATE: After the broadcast we would like to highlight the incredible technology of the technical demonstration for neurosurgeons. We have no doubt that it will revolutionize this field. The 3D Theater Session showcases the wide variety of 3D films produced…

Presentem ProMa King Tablet

ACTUALITZACIÓ: Ja tens disponible ProMa King Tablet, fes clic aquí per comprar-la a la nostra Tenda. Tridimensional s’uneix a un OEM líder especialitzat en pantalles estereoscòpiques, el qual ha fabricat les pantalles 3D sense ulleres d’alguns populars mòbils, així com també pantalles…